A variety of modern jewelry techniques, allows you to take into account the tastes of the most demanding customers. If you are not afraid to experiment and want to add a note of originality to your wedding, then the rings of white gold are what you need. Texture repeats the physical properties of expensive platinum, while the jewelry is not devoid of nobility and attractive appearance.
Rings from this material are no less valuable than classic yellow gold and can be an excellent choice for a future family. Wedding rings from white gold can be bought taking into account the possibility of even a very modest wedding budget. No fashionist will be able to resist the glamorous brilliance of an elegant ringlet.
Jeweler's affairs of master TM Golden Breeze know how to fully reveal the aristocratic nature of white metal and reveal all the advantages of its texture. Giving to products of pretentious shapes and experimenting with external texture, we achieve an ideal balance of beauty, so that every day you admire a small masterpiece of art on your finger, remembering with all the love and warmth close to the heart of a person.
Fashionable novelty of our time
The trend towards white gold products arose in the early twentieth century, when innovations in the heavy and chemical industries allowed the creation of complex types of ligatures. The classic recipe included palladium, manganese or nickel. According to statistical data, about 15-20% of people on the planet have allergic reactions to nickel. Therefore, since the beginning of the 2000s, in most countries of the world, nickel is officially banned in the manufacture of jewelry. As an alternative, palladium and silver are used.
The physical properties of this alloy are distinguished by their high strength and have become widely used in the manufacture of more reliable frames for diamonds and gems.
In past centuries, the beads on the rim were created from platinum with silver. The first metal is refractory, so it is difficult to work with other metals, and the price of pure platinum is much higher than the cost of gold. And silver, as is known, is rapidly oxidized, which adversely affected the external qualities of products. White gold has become an optimal alternative and significantly simplified the work on jewelry, at the same time reducing their market value.
Engagement rings from white gold of 585 tests are very resistant to mechanical damage - deformations are not observed even with daily wearing over long years. These jewelry have become a favorite choice of practical people leading an active lifestyle.
Accessories with a ligature based on 750 samples of gold, differ rich game of white light, but to the detriment of strength - the ring is softer and worse keeps the inlay of the open type.
The secret of attractiveness
Noble silvery gloss of white gold, attracts the eyes of even those who are indifferent to jewelry. But in its pure form, an alloy of yellow gold with silvery metals has a very mediocre gray tint. A characteristic radiance, decoration adds galvanization method using rhodium. Thanks to him, the wedding ring, acquires its famous glittering texture, which is perfectly combined with diamonds and leucosapphires.
A light background helps the stone to better reveal its natural visual qualities. The frame made of precious metal reflects well the brilliance of precious stones, does not distort their color range and contributes to the effect of additional lighting. That is why, paired white gold wedding rings are often crowned with diamonds, especially female models.
Male specimens with precious stones are less common. But in order to make the decoration more interesting and original, decor techniques are applied:
Drawing of an ornament;
This ring looks very unusual - its exclusive form will never get bored and it will be pleasant to please the eye for many years of a happy married life.
Tips for choosing
Engagement rings made of white gold are good for couples who are not too sophisticated in jewelry and in everyday life, do not wear many accessories.
If you want to keep the emphasis on inlays, pay attention to products with a polished surface or simple, few lines. Rings of white gold with a rough finish and complex ornate patterns draw attention away from the transparent stone.
For individual wishes, you will make an exclusive order - our masters will take into account all your wishes. Автор: Золоте Вельон ™